211 Tompkins/Cortland: Phone: Call 211 or 877-211-8667 211 connects people in need with services designed to address that need. Callers are referred to service providers according to their situation. 211 may follow up with callers, when appropriate, to ensure that contact was made and to offer further assistance if needed. Provides information and referrals to needed services like:211 Tompkins/Cortland
Serving the counties of Tompkins and Cortland.
Text your zip code to TXT211 or 898211. Available Mon-Fri 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Email 211 at [email protected]
Website: https://hsctc.org/211tompkins/
211 Tompkins/Cortland
Contact Information
Call 211 or 877-211-8667