Allegany Department of Social Services

Allegany Department of Social Services


Allegany Department of Social Services
7 Court Street
County Office Building, Room 127
Belmont, NY 14813
Phone: (585) 268-9622
Fax: (585) 268-9479

Non-parent caregivers, who are caring for children without a parent living in their home, may be eligible for Temporary Assistance. Temporary Assistance for children not living with a parent is often referred to as “non-parent caregiver” or “child-only” grants, and includes Medical Assistance (MA). If the non-parent caregiver wants assistance only for the children, the non-parent caregiver’s income is not used to determine eligibility and there are no Temporary Assistance work requirements for the non-parent caregiver. Non-parent caregivers may apply for temporary assistance at their local social services office. Other services include SNAP (Food Stamps); HEAP (Home Energy Assistance Program) and Foster care.


Contact Information
7 Court Street, County Office Building, Room 127, Belmont, New York 14813
(585) 268-9622
  • Allegany
  • County Agencies