204 Hawthorne Avenue Located near the Getty Square area of Yonkers, the CCCS Westchester County office functions as a one-stop center for the community to find services, information and a place to resolve problems with experts in their field. There are sewing and knitting classes for Latina women, assistance to the Day Laborer Group Obreros Unidos de Yonkers, a community garden and so much more. We offer the following programsCatholic Charities Community Services – Neighborhood Center
Yonkers, NY 10705
Phone: (914) 476-2700
Website: https://cccsny.org/services/neighborhood-centers-westchester-county
• Benefits/Entitlement Assistance
• Eviction Prevention
• Utility Assistance
• Financial Literacy
• Immigration Legal Assistance
• Assistance for Day Laborers
Catholic Charities Community Services – Neighborhood Center
204 Hawthorne Avenue, Yonkers, New York 10705
(914) 476-2700