61 West Street
Ilion, NY 13357
Phone: (315) 894-9917
Fax: (315) 894-6313
Available Services include the following:
- Community Dispute Resolution Center Services; Include TREATY (Teaching Reconciliation in Education to Administrators, Teachers & Youth – Provides conflict management, peer medication, bullying prevention, and staff development workshops
- Domestic Violence Services (Residential and Non-Residential) 24 hour hotline: (315) 866-0458
- Emergency Assistance & Ilion Food Pantry
- SNAP/Food stamps application assistance through the Nutrition Outreach and Education Program (NOEP)
- Health Insurance Information and Assistance (HIICAP) – Provides information relating to Medicare, low-income subsidy programs and other health insurance issues
- Herkimer County Prevention Council (alcohol/substance/gambling abuse prevention)
- Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) – This program assigns and coordinates volunteers in numerous non-profits and school based sites
- RIDE Transportation Program – for medical appointments
- Runaway and Homeless Youth Program
- Kateri’s Thrift Shop at 45 Furnace Street, Little Falls, NY
- Hope Ministries – Senior Volunteers provide in-home companionship and assistance to other seniors
- Supervised Visitation Program
- Food Sense Program – a food co-op program offering quality food at reasonable prices
Contact Information
61 East Street, Ilion, New York 13357
(315) 894-9917
(315) 894-6313