1521 Main St. Niagara Community Action Program, Inc. is a county wide agency dedicated to reducing poverty by initiating and conducting programs of self-sufficiency. Our ultimate goal is to empower individuals and families to reach their fullest potential. The Community Child Care Clearinghouse of Niagara Is “An Informational Source” for parents, providers, businesses and the community regarding:Community Child Care Clearinghouse of Niagara
Niagara Falls, NY 14305
Phone: (716) 285-8572 Ext 105 or Toll Free- (800) 701-4543
Fax: (716) 285-9693
Website: http://www.childcareofniagara.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CCRandR/
Community Child Care Clearinghouse of Niagara
Contact Information
1521 Main Street, Niagara Falls, New York 14305
(800) 701-4543 or (716) 285-8572
(716) 285-9693