111 Main St. Suite 4 Website: https://www.co.delaware.ny.us/departments/dss/dss.htm Services Include: Public Assistance Interviews are conducted between 8:00AM-10:30AM Monday – Friday 99 Main St. Services Include: The mission of the Delaware County Department of Social services is to provide economic assistance and opportunity as well as social service support to eligible families and individuals. The Department of Social Services provides assistance and service support to meet individual and family needs in a timely and courteous manner so they may achieve the greatest degree of self-responsibility and independence possible.Delaware County Department of Social Services
Delhi, NY 13753
Phone: (607) 832-5300
Fax: (607) 832-6030
Delhi, NY 13753
Phone: (607) 832-5300
Fax: (607) 832-6033
Delaware County Department of Social Services