4194 Bolivar Road Suite 5 A major emphasis at the Hope Center is on developing its reading assistance component. This is due to poor reading skills having potential for trauma impact resulting from stigma and bullying while young, along with lower paying jobs, potential family conflicts, poverty, activities that can result in incarceration, and more in older years. Services, available to individuals from any religious background, also include a drop-in center where individuals can receive prayer for personal, family or other concerns, information and referral assistance and connection to applicable resources for a variety of life issues, and a growing Christian lending library that also will offer free books and videos. Educational seminars will help consumers learn about community issues and resources and churches understand more about these concerns and how to come alongside those who may be struggling with life issues.HOPE Center
Wellsville, NY 14895
Phone: (585) 596-1901
Email: hopecenterwlsv@gmail.com
HOPE Center
Contact Information
4194 Bolivar Road, Suite 5, Wellsville, New York 14895