323 Owego Street, Unit 7 County Served: Schuyler Schuyler County Office for the Aging advocates for, educates and assists the senior and disabled populations of Schuyler County to live in the most independent and integrated setting through community collaboration providing for well-being/health, security, dignity, autonomy and choice through innovative home and community-based services. Services Include:Schuyler County Office for the Aging
Montour Falls, NY 14865
Phone: (607) 535-7108
Fax: (607) 535-6832
Email: ofa@co.schuyler.ny.us
Website: https://www.schuylercounty.us/157/Office-for-the-Aging
Office Hours: Monday-Thursday, 9:00AM-5:00PM & Friday, 8:00AM-4:00PM
Schuyler County Office for the Aging
Contact Information
323 Owego Street, Unit 7, Montour Falls, New York 15865
(607) 535-7108
(607) 535-6832