1519 Nye Road, Suite 300 Our agency serves as the link between seniors and the agencies that serve them. Most programs/services are offered on a contribution basis. No service is denied because of inability or unwillingness to contribute. Some programs operate on a “cost share” basis, where the client pays a portion of the cost according to his/her income. Services Include:Wayne County Department of Aging and Youth
Lyons, NY 14489-9111
Phone: (315) 946-5624
Fax: (315) 946-5649
Email: aging@co.wayne.ny.us
Website: https://web.co.wayne.ny.us/index.php/ageyouth/aging-programs-and-services/
Wayne County Department of Aging and Youth
Contact Information
1519 Nye Road, Suite 300, Lyons, New York 14489
(315) 946-5624
(315) 946-5649