The NYS Kinship Navigator houses over fifty cited legal fact sheets on topics ranging from Financial Assistance to Legal Advocacy.
Caregivers can access these fact sheets to assist them in applying for benefits through DSS, at family court, enrolling a child into school, and many other topics.
Our fact sheets are organized by topic and are easily downloadable.
The New York State Kinship Navigator website is intended to educate kinship caregivers, professionals, advocates and the general public. The website provides legal fact sheets, other information related to kinship issues, and educational materials for general informational purposes only. None of these materials should be construed as legal advice on any subject matter, nor are they intended to substitute for obtaining legal advice from an attorney in your jurisdiction. These materials may not reflect the most current legal developments or address facts specific to your situation. Kinship Navigator disclaims all liability for actions you take or fail to take based on any content on this website. The operation of this website does not create an attorney-client relationship between you and New York State Kinship Navigator.
This site may contain links to other web sites. Kinship Navigator is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such web sites.
NYS Kinship Navigator is a Catholic Charities Family and Community Services, funded by the New York State Office of Children and Family Services. Catholic Charities Family and Community Services is the only agency authorized by New York State to provide a statewide information, referral, and education service to kinship caregivers. Any opinions, legal opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this publication or on the NYS Kinship Navigator website or by any person or entity to whom you may be referred are those of the Kinship Navigator, Catholic Charities Family and Community Services and/or the person or entity you are referred to and do not necessarily represent the official views, opinions, legal opinions or policy of the State of New York and/or the New York State Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS).
- Public Assistance/Financial Assistance for Non-Parent Caregivers
- Non-Parent Caregiver Grant How to Fill Out an Application – Updated 2021
- Guide to filling out a Public Assistance Application Online
- Kinship Navigator Guide: Public Benefits and Non-Parent Caregiver Grant
- Application for Public Assistance (NOTE, THIS FORM CHANGED IN 2017. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ON FILLING OUT, CALL US AT 877-454-6463)
- Who May Apply for Benefits and What is Required
- Empire Justice- Standard of Needs Chart
- “Understanding Your HRA Benefits” developed by the NYC Kincare Taskforce and NYC HRA
- Exemptions from Cooperation with Child Support Collection
- Family Assistance Program: Seeking Parental Financial Support
- Caregivers Can Get Help Paying for Summer Camp
- Summer Camp Guide
- OTDA informational letter on policy regarding Non-Parent Grant and Kinship Caregivers
- OTDA informational letter regarding the Good Cause Exemption
- OTDA informational letter regarding earnings of Students under TA programs
- OTDA informational letter on TA Case Composition when a Child Attains Age 18
- OTDA Instructions for Completing the Application for Certain Benefits and Services (PUB-1301)
- OTDA Local District Approved Employment Plans for Applicants and Recipients of TA
- OTDA Directive to Counties on Requirement to Make Information Available to Non-Parent Caregivers
- Attachment A- Notice to Caregivers
- How SNAP Benefits are Calculated (Updated 2021)
- SNAP Toolkit
- Online SNAP Benefits Estimator Tool
- Expanded Categorical Eligibility Desk Guide
- SNAP Budget Worksheet for 2021-22
- Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
- A Quick Look at Medicare
- Administrative Hearings NYS OTDA
- Federal Benefits for Dependent Grandchildren – Social Security will pay for Grandchildren
- Federal Benefits for Disabled Grandchildren
- Social Security Handbook: Cash Retirement and Auxiliary Benefits
- Social Security Handbook Benefits for Children with Disabilities-Non-KN
- Benefits For Children
- How Social Security Can Help You When a Family Member Dies
- Social Security Administration Forms
- Your Right to Question the decision made on your claim
General Information:
Social Security Information (main line): 1-800-772-1213 or 1-800-325-0778 (TTY)
Local Social Security Office Search Engine (by zip code):
Steps to Apply:
- Contact The Social Security Administration at 1-800-772-1213 or 1-800-325-0778 (TTY) and they will schedule an interview with your local Social Security Administration office to determine eligibility for survivor benefits
- Will need to provide the deceased parent(s) social security number and proof of death
- Once eligibility is determined, form SSA 1696 must be filled out by the caregiver to make them the representative payee.
- SSA 1696: “Claimant’s Appointment of a Representative” form:
**2025 Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Update and Details**
New York City Free Tax Prep (portal):
If you earned $93,000 or less in 2024, file for FREE with an IRS-certified VITA/TCE volunteer preparer. This service is available to residents of New York City (Bronx, Kings, Queens, Richmond, New York counties). There are options for both virtual and in-person filing. Visit the below website for more information.
Location Finder:
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) / Tax Counseling for the Elderly (TCE) (portal):
VITA is a free, IRS-sponsored program to help low and middle-income workers have their federal and State personal income taxes prepared and filed electronically at no cost. To be eligible for VITA services you must: make $67,000 or less, be a persons with disabilities, or be a limited English-speaking taxpayer. The TCE program offers free tax help, particularly for those who are 60 years of age and older, specializing in questions about pensions and retirement-related issues unique to seniors. Visit the below website for more information.
Location Finder:
What to bring:
- Kinship Navigator Guide to Kinship Law - 2018
- OCFS: Know Your Options: Relatives Caring for Children
- OTDA Administrative Directive: Requirement to Make Information Available to Non-Parent Caregivers Relating to Available Services and Assistance Programs
- Using Telemedicine to Visit the Doctor
- Using Telemental Health Services
- OASAS Kinship Care Toolkit - A toolkit to support children impacted by parental addiction, overdose or loss.
- Informal Custody, Legal Custody, Guardianship - KN
- Kinship Care Custodial Arrangements Comparison Chart 2022
- Custody Disputes between Non-Parents and Parents - KN
- Filing for Child Custody When you are not the Natural Parent (Rural Law Center)
- Filing for Custody as a Non-biological Parent – Some Quick Tips (Rural Law Center)
- Interstate Custody Rules Regarding Non-Agency (not foster care) Custody of Children
- Adoption and Guardianship for Children in Kinship Foster Care (Generations United)
- Designation of Standby Guardianship (BLANK FORM) - (Fillable Form)
- Designation of Standby Guardianship - KN instructions
- Standby Guardianship - KN
- Immunization – When Parents Aren't Available
- Parental Designation of Children’s Caregiver Thirty Days or Less
- Designation of Person in Parental Relatonship-12 Months
- Parental Designation Form- Suggested Language for Springing Power in the Event of Administrative Separation
- Parental Designation Revocation Form
- Designation of Person in Parental Relationship Q and A
- Non-Parent Caregivers - Comparison of Custodial Arrangements - KN
- Kinship Children who are “Homeless”
- Child Welfare Laws and Native Americans
- NYS Rules and Regulations on the ICPC Process
- Relatives and Family Friends Seeking to Become Caregivers of Children in State Care
- The State and County’s Affirmative Duties to Inform and Assist Relatives in Pursuing Caregiving Options - KN
- When a Child is Removed – Duty to Locate and Notify Relatives of Their Options for Care
- When a Child is Removed and Relatives are Not Located or Not Notified of Their Options for Care - KN
- Foster Care Relative Placements; Overview
- Placement of Children in State Custody for Adoption or Foster Care Across State Lines
- Voluntary Placements Agreements – Placement in Kinship Homes
- What is a State Central Registry SCR report and how can I get it expunged?
- CLEARING YOUR NAME A step-by-step guide through the New York State Central Register of Child Abuse & Maltreatment
- Child Welfare Grievance- how to make a complaint grievance against CPS, Lawyers, Judges
- Having a Voice and a Choice - New York State Handbook for Relatives Raising Children
- OCFS Booklet: Having a Voice and a Choice: New York State Handbook for Relatives Raising Children (Spanish)
- OCFS Guidance on Accurate Reporting of Kinship Foster Homes
- OCFS Booklet: Making An Informed Choice: Relatives Caring for Children
- NYC Kincare Task Force: Understanding Your Rights as a Relative When a Child Has Been Removed from Parents-Non KN.pdf
- OCFS Informational Letter: Parent Notification of a Child’s Foster Care Placement Change
- Administrative Hearings NYS OCFS
- Kinship Guardianship Assistance Program (KinGAP)
- OCFS Booklet: Know Your Permanency Options: The Kinship Guardianship Assistance Program (KinGAP) (UPDATED MARCH 2018)
- KinGAP program (OCFS page)
- OCFS Administrative Directive on KinGAP (UPDATED MARCH 2018)
- OCFS Administrative Directive on Continuation of the KinGAP to a Successor Guardian
- OCFS Eligibility Forms for the Kinship Guardianship Assistance Program (KinGAP)
- Public School Enrollment
- NYS Dept. of Education Rules for Public School Enrollment by Non-Parent
- NYS Dept. Of Education: A Resource to Special Education Support Services
- Custodial Affidavit blank forms - (Fillable Form)
- Parental Designation of Children’s Caregiver Up to Twelve Months
- How to Fill Out a Custodial Affidavit
- Federal Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Guidance for Non-Parent Caregivers
- Kinship Children who are “Homeless”
- Denied School Enrollment - Appealing the School Board’s Decision
- IMPORTANT UPDATE REGARDING IMMIGRANTS AND DEPORTATION: See this article if you are concerned about possible deportation and arranging care for your children: Help Arranging Care of Children For Parents Facing Deportation - KN
- Summary of Kinship Navigator Fact Sheets and Resources Related to Deported Parents and the Care of Children - KN
- Enabling New York’s Kinship Caregivers Custody, Guardianship, Parental Designation Basic Procedure
- Non-Parent Caregivers: Comparison of Custody and Guardianship
- Notarization of Documents in a Foreign Country
- Parental Designation of Childrens Caregiver Thirty Days or Less
Below are materials authored by other organizations related to Deportation of Parents
- Policies Related to Children of Deported or Detained Parents
- Be Sure Your Child is Cared for and Safe
- Designation of Personal in Parental Relationship- 12 months
- Designation of Standby Guardianship (BLANK FORM) - (Fillable Form)
- Plan de Emergencia en Caso de la Dentencion o Deportacion de Familiares
- Resource Sheet for Incarcerated Parents and Their Children’s Caregivers
- OCFS informational letter on Special Youth Immigration Status
- Office of Court Administration Memo on Immigration Issues in Family Court